Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Surprise Party

I took quite a leave of absence from the blogging world...first computer problems, then I went to Minnesota in a rush, spent 2 1/2 weeks helping get our cute rental cottage ready to rent, then driving home from Minnesota with Mr. Scottie Dog and jumping right back into my always busy world.

January 3, 2012 I turned 60 years old. I don't feel any different. For about five minutes I felt older and then I "forgot" to feel old (seems I forget more and more these days!). My daughter Liz told me that she had arranged for the staff of Redwood Sewing Center to meet us at the Tea Shop for a little Birthday party on Saturday, January 7. Seemed like fun to me. I had had a party on my birthday at the store with my regular Tuesday morning quilting class and again Tuesday night at another monthly class. What fun...maybe I could drag out this 60th birthday thing for a week or so.

Saturday morning Liz called and asked if she could borrow my car as hers had a flat. She would pick me up in time to go to the Tea Shop. On the way to lunch she said we had to pick up Sydney at a party at the Historic Eureka Inn. It did cross my mind that the Eureka Inn was an odd place for a 6 year old's party, but I was game. It was supposed to be decorated "over the top" so I had to see. Here's what I saw when I entered the Bristol Rose Cafe there at the Inn:

Here's another shot of one surprised lady! Liz and Beka had worked in secret for months planning and plotting the party. Beka and Anastacia flew out from Minnesota and had come in the evening before. They had gotten photos from my brothers and spread all around the tables were photos of my younger years. Me with my first car, standing in front of Old Faithful on my Daddy's shoulders (3 years old maybe), with my Grandma, oh, so very many memories.

Liz, Beka and Larissa (dear Larissa...the "other" daughter I've always felt she was one of my own!) did all the food, the decorating, the planning. It was beautiful, the food was not only delicious but a feast for the eye. Several people asked who catered the party and then asked if they would do weddings.

The Bristol Rose Cafe has been closed for many years and only recently refurbished. It was a beautiful place for a party. But of course the most beautiful things I saw there were the many, many friends who had gathered. My friend Bev came all the way from Oregon! What a gift!

I am truly blessed in my life with good friends.

See how cute the tables looked!

After cutting the cake the "Scott" girls gathered for a picture. Beka, me holding my youngest grandbaby Anastacia, Sydney my oldest grand and Liz.

Then we posed in front of the fireplace in the Eureka Inn lobby. And they keep asking if I was "really surprised." I think the photos & the video tell it all! Thanks girls, you made turning 60 wonderful!