Wrong! Mr. Scottie Dog and I don't really like the same shows. He likes news shows, build-it shows, airplane shows. I like personal drama, biographies, shows about people. He likes shows about things.
So I leave him to the TV and I go to my big screen computer and watch TV via Hulu. Do you Hulu? Do you know what Hulu is?
I really like Hulu. Most of my favorite shows are there. Free. Whenever I want. I also go to CBS.com and watch a few shows there. One advantage to watching TV on the computer is that there are fewer ads. And I can switch to FB during the commercials if I want. My computer is set up right by my sewing machine. This means I can watch any show I choose and sew to my heart's content. And I do!
Today the computer had a hiccup and it shut itself down. After turning back on I had to sign into all my "special places" again. Facebook, AOL, Blogger & Hulu. It had been so long that when I logged in and the space for "password" came up, I paused. Hmmm. What WAS my Hulu password? First I tried ******, no. Then I tried *********, no. I tried **********, ******* and even ************** which I hadn't used in years. No, no, no.....all of them were invalid. So I clicked the box saying I had forgotten my password. Forgetting is a touchy word. Now that I'm 60, every time I pause to find a word, remember where my keys are, try to say a name, I am sure that senior dementia is setting in.
It takes about 5 minutes for the email from Hulu to get to your inbox. Finally it came and I opened the message. They don't tell you the old password, you have to set a new one. OK, I started to type a password and all of a sudden I remembered the old one. Of Course! So I typed it in, retyped it in the next box and hit enter. WRONG! You can't use the original one again. What's up with that? So I reset it with *********. Hope I remember next time I have to use it.