Cute booth: Easy Peazy Patterns!
At school house Jean Wells of The Stitchin' Post shared what she's been working on....she totally works in solids now. We're buying a bunch of solids!
We enjoyed our time with Georgeann Bender & Rich Kizer...the business gurus. We had another consultation with them thanks to Susan Fuquay and American Quilt Retailer.
I'll try to post more pictures later. Perhaps Blogger will cooperate. Liz and I found some wonderful embroidery & wool kits, patterns, clothing patterns, new books...and for those who know how wonderful the Quilt Smart printed interfacings are now making bottle bags in addition to Smart Tote & Cell Phone Tote! Watch also for our Hunter's Star from them too.
For Buck-a-Block fans we bought the 2011 program...and.....TA DA! Guess what's new? We know that most things have gone up in price lately but now you get an even bigger value for your Buck: TWO BLOCKS! That's right, each month you'll be able to make two blocks from your kit. We are really excited about the 2011 program.
We've seen lots of our friends we only see at Market: Ricky Timms, Amy Butler, Jo Morton, Eleanor Burns, Jackie Clark, Pat Sloan, Alex Anderson and more....more pics and info tomorrow!