- I'm thankful I live in America and have the freedom to worship God. Many of of my dear friends live overseas in countries where it is punishable by death to be a Christian.
- I'm thankful for my dear husband, Bill aka, Mr. Scottie Dog. He has loved me and supported me for the 36+ years we have been married. He works tirelessly to make my life wonderful.
- I'm thankful for the opportunity to be Mom to wonderful daughters, to have been able to stay home and raise them..they taught me so very much over the years. I'm so very blessed that we have good relationships now that they are grown.
- I'm grateful for my Sons-in-law. I hope they are thankful for their Mother-In-Law too! I try to be good.
- I'm so very blessed to be a Grandma! Sydney, Jakob & Mercedes light up my heart. They love to sing with me...they are the only ones who don't wince when I sing ("Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!"). I relish being their Grandma.
- I'm blessed to still have my Dad...so very wise in counsel, such a great sense of humor and so much fun. He's blessed us with Willa Mae too.
- I'm thankful for my dear friends...many who have moved away but still hold a place in my heart. Thank you friends who listen to me, advise me, laugh when I try to tell a joke and are patient when I screw up.
- I'm blessed to live in Humboldt County, CA in the midst of the Redwood Forest. This is the most beautiful place on Earth. The beauty feeds my soul.
- I'm grateful for Scottie Dog Quilts where I have met so very many wonderful people who have a passion for quilting. I'm certainly blessed by them.
- I'm blessed with good health. It's not perfect, but I'm well enough to do most anything I want to do.
These are but a few of my blessings....it is possibly the small ones that are the most precious. I hope you take time each day to give God the glory and thank HIM for your blessings.
Thanksgiving Blessing to you and yours. I'll be spending the day with family.