Saturday afternoon Sydney came over to our house. We made brownies for Grandpa, checked out my secret sewing project, played with blocks and she watched "Anne of Green Gables" while I took a nap! We fixed her hot dogs for dinner (Grandpa & Grammy had chicken) and watched Don Knotts, Tim Conway and Bill Bixby in "Apple Dumpling Gang."

This was a favorite movie of my own girls when they were Syd's age. How come they don't make family films like this any more? Just plain fun, a clean story and full of laughs for the whole family.
After Church we had an errand to do. For the past year or two Sydney has expressed an interest in getting her ears pierced. Many of her friends have taken the plunge and while she really wanted to have pretty earrings, Sydney was reluctant as several had told her it hurt quite a lot. On Saturday afternoon she asked if we could get her ears pierced. I knew that I had her parents permission to do so. Syd and I thought it would be fun to get it done on Sunday, go out for ice cream and then surprise her parents with her new earrings.
We made it to the Mall after Church but the Piercing Pagoda wasn't open for another half hour. No problem...right next door is the Mall's playground so she and some other kids climbed and slid and shouted and laughed together.
Soon it was time to get piercing. Grandma had to hold her hand and Sydney was very brave and courageous. She now has ruby red stones in each ear! She looks so grown up. Mom and Dad were so excited.