Thursday, April 23, 2009

We made the Cover!

The May issue of American Quilt Retailer went to the printers today and Susan Fuquay, the publisher, sent me a copy of the cover! How exciting to see our name (and namesake) so prominently displayed. The issues' focus is retreats/events, etc. They called us about a month ago and interviewed us about our retreats and our "events" (e.g. Quilt Camp, Spring Fling, Fall Frenzy, etc) that we hold at Scottie Dog Quilts. Then a week later someone else emailed and wanted to know all about our Alaskan Quilting Cruise this summer. I can't wait to see it. Susan said it should be mailed May 1.


Carol E. said...

Super cool! Too bad the general public doesn't get to see it. Congrats anyway.

News From the Nest said...

How great is that!!!! Congratulations! Hope it brings lots of interest in all the great things you do.