Sunday, May 25, 2008

Now you can subscribe.

Now you can subscribe to my filling out the form on the right side of the blog, you can have it emailed to you, you can send it to Skype, to your phone and more. It only took me several days to figure out how to get the FeedBlitz subscription service hooked up. It was actually easy, but of course for the uber technologically impaired it takes a bit to figure it out.

By the way, do you Skype? Skype is free as in no cost, nil, nada, cheaper than cheap, FREE! It is a way you can use a web cam (short for camera) and your kids & grandkids can not only talk to you free, but they can see you and you can see them. The camera is between $20-25 and you can get it at Staples. I taught my grandson Jakob Itsy Bitsy Spider over Skype! I can see when he gets a haircut, he can show me his trains and I can see how big Merceds is getting and watch her giggle. Daughter Beka once set the camera to show the kitchen and it was just like being there with her as she bustled around making banana bread. I don't know what I'd do without Skype. When my kids were in Kiev, Ukraine for a year we were able to chat nearly every day. Just go to and follow directions.

You can also make phone calls from your computer with it, but there is a small charge. Come on, Skype with me!

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