Saturday, May 31, 2008

One Block Wonder

Do you take Quilting Classes? You should. Now, I know that coming from a Quilt Shop Owner, that sounds like I am giving a sales pitch for my own benefit. BUT....there is so much that goes on, so much to learn, so much FUN in a Quilting Class that you SHOULD take one.

Today Margie taught from the book, One Block Wonder. The classroom was full to the brim with ladies who started out with raw yardage, cut it up, sewed it back together into fabulous hexagons and then fit it back together into magic. Don't Denise and Paula look like they are having fun? They know the full value of taking classes.

Here's Connie, hard at work fitting those hexagons.

I was only at the store long enough to pick up little Sydney (and sample some of the fabulous lunch they were all having) and take her grocery shopping with me, but the energy in the room made me grab the camera and shoot a few pictures.

Here's a picture of Donna busy pressing her hexagon blocks. Margie has them pressing all seam OPEN. Not something you would do on all blocks, but they learned today why it's a good idea for this quilt.

When you take classes you do learn specific techniques, skills, patterns and blocks. Your teacher imparts her experience and wisdom. But you also learn from your neighbor.....her fabrics are ones you hadn't considered...her eye for color is different....she uses a ruler you've never seen before.....Plus you meet new quilters; perhaps a new best friend! You laugh, you hear a new joke, a review of the latest movie, what new restaurant in town has good garlic and shrimp pasta.

Take a class, learn something new, grow, make a new friend, tell a's good to get out in the quilting world! PS---This class was full but Margie will teach One Block Wonder again August 30. Call the shop to sign up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When your down and out....hang out at Scottie Dog meet the nicest people, its sure to make you feel good.